Treatment Modalities

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Treatment methods I utilize in my practice to restore and enhance the healing of the entire layers of tissue injuries according to the specific healthcare conditions diagnosed.

The selection of technique modalities applied during the treatment intervention is dependant entirely based on my clinical judgement

Specific joint Adjustments and Mobilization

Aims to restore the biomechanical and neurological alignment foundation layer providing the ideal physiological base for the healing of the soft tissue

Regardless of the level of injury, every treatment care must incorporate the realignment of the joint in question as this will provide the foundation for the remaining tissue layers to heal efficiently.

Rehabilitation Protocols; Strengthening, Stretching and Proprioceptive

Aim to rebuild the strength and resilient of the soft tissue support as well as enhancing the fine neurological control to and from the body part in question.




There are 3 Types of taping used during the rehabilitation.

Structural tape is used to restrict most of the joint play, in extreme injuries such as  in stress fractures and dislocations

Functional tape is applied to restrict the last 15 degrees of joint motion providing the support and at the same time allowing a safe range of joint play

Proprioceptive tape is used to enhance and integrate the neuro-musculo-ligamentous connection

Dry needling

Used for reducing deep muscles contraction, breaking dysfunctional scar tissue and to improve focal blood flow to the injured area


Soft Tissue Friction

Aims to break the dysfunction scar tissue seen commonly seen in chronic injuries



Low level laser

By the use of the Bio photostimulation phenomenon, this therapeutic treatment aims to enhance the healing of the injured tissues by stimulation cells regeneration and by reducing of the excess build-up of inflammation


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)

Well researched treatment that aims to improve tissue healing at the cellular level as well as improving the microcirculation.


Therapeutic essential oils

Protocols created for healing specific injuries according to the level of tissue damage.

Covid 19

Covid 19Coronavirus general guidelines When visiting the clinic, we ask you to please remember these general principles to ensure we all have a good clinic experience, minimise risk and stay safe. •...

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Temporomandibular Joint (Jaw)The Temporomandibular joint is a complex structure made up by the temporal and the mandibular bone supported by several powerful muscles and ligaments and controlled by...

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The Spine is embedded in two important physiological principles that aids in the overall body homeostasis, The biomechanical and Neurological foundation concepts.

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The hand is considered one of the most adaptable and complexes areas in the body, there is an intricate neurological network and muscle/tendon leverages system that allows the hand to be controlled in such precision and dexterity like any other body part.

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The shoulder is considered as one of the most complex areas in the body, there are several joints that made up the entire shoulder girdle supported by a sophisticated stabilization intrinsic

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KneeThe knee is often seen as the weak link of the lower extremity as its sits between two stable joints, the ankle and the hip, therefore to accommodate this biomechanical disadvantage, there is...

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HipThe hip is made up by the connection between the femur and the pelvis. There is natural physiological locking mechanism that allows this joint to be one of the most stable areas in the body. In...

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ElbowAs an extension of the shoulder mechanics, the elbow provides a great amount of versatility and freedom for the usage of the wrist and hands during daily activities adding a reliable and...

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