Knee valvus and vaurs deformities and the corresponding misalignments
Valgus; Internally rotated pelvis and Internal femur misalignments. May lead medial collateral ligament and meniscus damage
Varus; Externally rotated pelvis and external femur misalignments. May lead to lateral collateral ligament and meniscus damage
The entire Lower extremity biomechanical chain must be evaluated as per the neurological and mechanical influences of the pelvis, hip, and foot.
Clinical evaluation of the knee and patella alignment as well as visualizing the pattern of compensation presence on the lower extremity.
X-ray analyses
Anterior – Posterior (AP) knee view is essential to evaluate the degree of misalignment involved in this deformity.
Lateral x-ray lateral view is important to properly visualize the rotational misalignments of the femur.
Treatment protocol
Specific adjustments to the knee joint
Stretching and strengthening of specific hip and knee muscle groups
Functional taping may be used in the beginning of the treatment
Depending on the level of deformity and chronicity, minimum 6 weeks of care is advisable to resolve this condition.