Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow

According to my Injury classification system, medial tendinitis is considered Level 2 Injury, as per the two structures compromised, the alignment and the soft tissue muscles/tendon layer. Golfer’s Elbow or Little leaguers  is  a common elbow condition  characterized as a sharp pain on the inside of the elbow with intermittent radiations toward the hand, in certain individuals, causes weakness in the hand grip making it difficult to perform daily tasks. When this condition becomes chronic, the elbow flexor muscle group tendons may start to deteriorate, hence shifting the classification from an inflammatory (tendinitis) to a degenerative disease (tendinosis).


Mechanism of Dysfunction

Repetitive flexed hand and forearm activities that involves pronation and supination as well as sustaining hard grip hold may accelerates the progress of this injury. The main joint that contributes to this condition is the proximal ulnar misalignment. Once this joint is impaired, the soft tissue overlayer began to compensate in an attempt to stabilize the joint, which eventually causes the muscles and tendons to become overstressed leading to the development of this inflammatory syndrome.

Assessment Protocol

The entire upper extremity biomechanical chain must be evaluated as per the neurological and mechanical influences of the spine, shoulder, and hand.

Clinical assessment to identify the key joint dysfunctions of the elbow that have contributed to this condition. Soft tissue analysis to pinpoint the level of irritation in the tendon.


Anterior – Posterior (AP) and Lateral X-ray Elbow views are essential to analyse the level and direction of the ulna misalignment.


Locate the exact injury point; Allows the treatment to be more specific during the application of the treatment modalities, in addition aids to identify the type of tendinopathy (tendinitis or tendinosis) and the corresponding appropriate treatment care.

Identify the extent of tissue damage and the presence of scar tissue; Provides valuable information regarding prognosis and the application of friction soft tissue modalities to aid on scar tissue removal.

Rule out any other condition that might mimic Medial elbow tendinopathies; There are rare disorders that may create similar patterns of dysfunction, is advisable to rule out these conditions prior to the start of the treatment.

Treatment protocol

Specific elbow adjustments followed by a rehabilitation regime to strengthen the entire soft tissue support of the elbow. In addition, application of tape and may be needed as part of the early rehab program.

Application of Low-level Laser and PEMF to aid on the cellular level of heling as well as improving the microcirculation for the area.

Friction soft tissue therapy helps to reduce dysfunctional scar tissue

Functional tape might be used to reposition the heel bone to reduce the stress on the tendon

Specific selected essential oil application to enhance healing

Depending on level of misalignment and chronicity a minimum of 6 weeks up to 12 weeks of treatment care may be necessary to resolve this deformity.

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